Financial Services
Law Firms
AccountantsComplianceEducationFinancial ServicesFranchisorsGovernmentHealthcareInsurersLaw FirmsOffice ManagersRegulatorsSmall / Medium Sized BusinessesProof of Concept in a Day

For Financial Services

Automate documents. Simplify information capture. Use the data.

Automate the distribution, completion, return and data management of internal forms, checklists and compliance records. 

Make it easy for customers to complete and submit your required forms, checklists and compliance documents.

Run event driven data capture campaigns internally or externally.

Bulk download and analyse responses to questionnaires / forms you distribute. 

Take your other routine documents (eg letters, forms, checklists, contracts…), automate and activate them. 

Save time, cut costs and reduce hassle.

Faster. Better. Cheaper.

Interested? Get started with Kim today.

Try now for freePoC in a Day
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